Babylonia e.V.

Patrick and political prisoners in Egypt: the current political context // Babylonia 21.02.20

Patrick and political prisoners in Egypt: the current political context a talk with Amr Abdelwahab and open discussion

Friday 21st February, 19:00 h, Babylonia

Patrick George Zaki, a 28-year old Egyptian political activist who was studying at Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna was detained by the Egyptian authorities upon his arrival to Cairo international airport for a short vacation on Friday February 7. Patrick is not a single or an exceptional case, in fact, Egypt has over 60 thousand political prisoners since the military coup back in 2013.
In this talk, Amr Abdelwahab (an Egyptian political activist and member of the #FreePatrick campaign) will give some insight into Patrick’s case, the current political situation in Egypt and the status of political prisoners.

Sign the petition: Pressure the Egyptian Government to release the student „Patrick George Zaki”

Facebook page: Patrick Libero – الحریة لباتریك چورچ

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